joyeux cuisine

a blog about good food, family, friends, and life.

best friend birthdays.

Today is one of my really good friend’s birthday today! He’s super awesome and one of the coolest people I know. He’s pretty much a brother to me. We’ve been friends for a couple years and they’ve been fun times. We often take late-night trips to the grocery store to buy baking things. He lives in Texas which is a really long ways away from Illinois. I decided to make him a sweet birthday package full of awesome things not only to celebrate his birthday, but also to make up for my poor friendship in the last few months. (Sometimes I get really stressed out and become a hermit…I’m cool like that.) So this is an idea of a package to send to your far-away friends.

Remember when I said I was knitting dinosaurs? It was awhile ago, so I don’t blame you if you don’t remember. Mike gets a brachiosaurus because he’s super tall and it made sense. It’s pretty adorable. There were also some other non-food things: a crocheted Yoda, an Aston Martin hot wheel, and a birthday card. All of which are super awesome.

There was a lot of food in there as well. Birthday cake fudge wrapped up in a lot of plastic wrap to make sure it didn’t melt all over and then stuffed into an empty butter box (I had to improvise on packaging). A box of s’mores cookies which pretty much embody summer and are delicious. And 3 mason jars full of birthday cake and frosting. This is super easy. I used a boxed cake mix. You probably think this is terrible because I hate canned frosting, but boxed cake mixes are so great when you don’t have a lot of time or just don’t feel like doing anything really stressful. I like those things. Also because funfetti is the bomb. Ask anyone; they’ll agree with that statement.

This is how this cake in a jar works. Bake the cake according to the directions. Let the cake cool. Make some frosting. Crumble some cake into the bottom of the jar. Put frosting in a pastry bag and pipe a layer over the cake. Add more cake almost to the top of the jar. Cover with frosting. At this point I added some plastic wrap to help keep the cake good, but you don’t have to do that. Put the lid on and share with a friend. Simple and fun. Love it.

Happy birthday, Mike!!!

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