joyeux cuisine

a blog about good food, family, friends, and life.

mini corn dogs.

on September 7, 2015

Summer is winding down and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I didn’t actually have a summer break. College seems so far gone, but it was only a few years ago! This year was the first year I actually had to work through the summer. The year after college I was unemployed until July, and last year I didn’t work from May until October with the wedding and moving about 3 times. Therefore, I’m not super used to being an adult.

Which brings us to corn dogs! I love corn dogs. Who doesn’t love corn dogs? Okay…I do know of a few people who do not love corn dogs. They don’t even like corn dogs. Let’s not talk about it. Corn dogs are great. And surprisingly easy to make! I am a big fan of this recipe.

I bought some cornmeal awhile back for some reason that I cannot remember. Probably cornbread to go with chili or some sort of reason like that. Anyway, this was the perfect thing to introduce me to using cornmeal. Perfect.

Usually we only get all beef hot dogs, but the first time we made these they did not taste right. We decided that corn dogs should be made with regular-who-knows-what’s-in-them-hotdogs. I cut them in half to make them mini. The first time I made these I used wooden skewers. They were a little long, but after I used lollipop sticks I decided that skewers are better. That way the sticks don’t get coated in oil and you have more control over the whole frying part. That makes me feel better about being around hot oil.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Enjoy summer while it’s here for a little while longer. To be honest, I’m really ready for fall. I cannot wait until the weather cools down a little and the leaves turn. But summer is still here and I’ll enjoy it while it is! And that will definitely include corn dogs.

Happy cooking, friends!

Mini Corn Dogs
recipe from damndelicious
feeds 2-4 people

6 hot dogs, cut in half
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
2 Tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup milk
1 large egg
12 skewers or lollipop sticks
oil for frying, I used canola

Fill a medium sized pot about 2/3 of the way with oil. Heat over medium-high heat while prepping the corn dogs.
In a small bowl mix together the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, salt, and pepper. In a large measuring bowl mix together the milk and egg. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until fairly smooth. Set aside.
Dry the hot dogs off with a paper towel so the batter will stick better. Insert a skewer about halfway into the hot dog. Dip in batter, insuring that the hot dogs are completely covered.
Fry 4 corn dogs at one time for about 5-6 minutes or until the batter is golden brown on all around. Remove from oil onto a plate lined with paper towels to help drain some of the oil. Sprinkle with salt after frying. Repeat with remaining hot dogs.
Serve immediately with your favorite toppings.

2 responses to “mini corn dogs.

  1. Rebecca says:

    These are so fun! My kiddos would love them. Thanks for sharing. ~Blessings~

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